Write Write Write


Hope you will like my garden.
Planting : words for bulbs and plants, Gods' love and kindness for sturdy stems, poetry for healthy leaves, short stories for plant shape, help from friends for pruning, patience and persistance for beautiful blooms.
I am hoping and planning to grow a full fledged author, from this ground.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Friday Fictioneer

This photo is from Madison Woods of the
Friday Fictioneer. It is a growing community of writers
who are enjoying Madison's challenge to write a story
about the weekly photo, using 100 words. Join us and
add your stories and read ours.
Link to :
Madison Woods

Janet Kay Gallagher 26 March 2012 @1:56 P.M.


I love my new home. Get up early. Dress, put on my
light jacket. Fill a cup, take it to the deck. Sit on the
glider and watch the steam, smell the wonderful
aroma, enjoying the cups warmth in my hands. The
morning is crisp. The jacket isn't quite warm enough
to be cozy, it's invigorating. I made it just in time.
Pale color is breaking across the sky. I'm surprised
how quickly it changes, adding colors and depth. Now
it's illuminating those stark white tree limbs making
great contrast from the bluffs behind them. Starting
my day with joy.

Janet Kay Gallagher


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About Me

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My son,Ken,recently retired after 20 years service in the U.S. Navy. I am very proud of him. Good Friends are a Blessing. Red Hats for Jesus is a fun group, so glad to have this fellowship. The Wednesday Breakfast Club(JEWELS)brought me many wonderful friends. Each one is Special. The Weekly Writers Guild is a very important part of my life. I am the leader, since Nicholas, had to give it up to work more hours. Thanks for passing the torch to me. Emma, Elsie, Claudette, Judy, Betty Jo, I enjoy writing  with you. New interest for us has been gained from joining with other writers at their meetings. Hope to gain lots of new friends there.