50,000 WORDS IN 30 DAYS.
JANO 2012 I WON !
In October 2009, I heard about
NANOWRIMO. November each year
is National Novel Writers Month,
people from all over the world,
write 50,000 words in 30 days.
At the Sleuth's Ink meeting I asked
about it and several others were
going to do it. One of the members,
Beth Carter said, " A man had to pick
November. No woman has time to do
something that intense with all the
other things to do getting ready for
Thanksgiving and Christmas. How about
us having a write-in this January. We
can call it JANO." We voted to do it
and JANO 2010 was created. I did not
get the 50,000 words in NANOWRIMO 2009,
JANO 2010, NANOWRIMO 2010, JANO 2011,
NANOWRIMO 2011. I finally won JANO 2012,
I did it.I WON. I was asked, "what did
you win?" What was the prize for the win?"
It is self confidence. The knowledge
that I can write fifty thousand words in
thirty days. It is a personal achievement
for me. I like my story.
Now it needs to be edited and submitted.
Confessions of a Retired Police Officer
2 days ago
So proud of you, Jan. I knew you could do it. Now you have a book to polish for agents and editors. Let the editing begin.