Write Write Write


Hope you will like my garden.
Planting : words for bulbs and plants, Gods' love and kindness for sturdy stems, poetry for healthy leaves, short stories for plant shape, help from friends for pruning, patience and persistance for beautiful blooms.
I am hoping and planning to grow a full fledged author, from this ground.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Jano Words

17629 / 50000 words. 35% done!
Here is your Word Count Progress Meter Code

Copy and Paste this code where you want your word-count meter to appear on your web page or blog.

17629 / 50000 words. 35% done!

Need a NANOWRIMO word counter

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Jano Words

16371 / 50000 words. 33% done!
Here is your Word Count Progress Meter Code

Copy and Paste this code where you want your word-count meter to appear on your web page or blog.

16371 / 50000 words. 33% done!

Need a NANOWRIMO word counter

Jano Words

15158 / 50000 words. 30% done!
Here is your Word Count Progress Meter Code

Copy and Paste this code where you want your word-count meter to appear on your web page or blog.

15158 / 50000 words. 30% done!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Jano Words

14526 / 50000 words. 29% done!
Here is your Word Count Progress Meter Code

Copy and Paste this code where you want your word-count meter to appear on your web page or blog.

14526 / 50000 words. 29% done!

Need a NANOWRIMO word counter
Talking Dog

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Jano Words

11163 / 50000 words. 22% done!
Here is your Word Count Progress Meter Code

Copy and Paste this code where you want your word-count meter to appear on your web page or blog.

11163 / 50000 words. 22% done!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Jano Words

10439 / 50000 words. 21% done!
Here is your Word Count Progress Meter Code

Copy and Paste this code where you want your word-count meter to appear on your web page or blog.

10439 / 50000 words. 21% done!

Jano Words

10053 / 50000 words. 20% done!
Here is your Word Count Progress Meter Code

Copy and Paste this code where you want your word-count meter to appear on your web page or blog.

10053 / 50000 words. 20% done!

Jano Words

/ 50000 words. 18% done!
Here is your Word Count Progress Meter Code

Copy and Paste this code where you want your word-count meter to appear on your web page or blog.

8878 / 50000 words. 18% done!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Jano Words

38878 / 80000 words. 49% done!
Here is your Word Count Progress Meter Code

Copy and Paste this code where you want your word-count meter to appear on your web page or blog.

38878 / 80000 words. 49% done!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Jano Words

36159 / 80000 words. 45% done!
Here is your Word Count Progress Meter Code

Copy and Paste this code where you want your word-count meter to appear on your web page or blog.

36159 / 80000 words. 45% done!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Jano Words

35762 / 80000 words. 45% done!
Here is your Word Count Progress Meter Code

Copy and Paste this code where you want your word-count meter to appear on your web page or blog.

35762 / 80000 words. 45% done!

Need a NANOWRIMO word counter

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Happy New Year! JANO!

Hope everyone had a great Christmas or Holiday.
November was neat. Nanowrimo official count was
23507 Words of 50000. I was away from computer
however I wrote on a notebook while on vacation.
Ended with 30000 Words when it was typed into the
computer in December.
Great time with Family and Friends in November.
Enjoyed the Friends here when I got back.
JANO 50000 Words in a Month Sleuth's Ink and Others.
Added my 30000 Plus 50000 equels 80000 Words
30000/80000 Words 38% Done 1 January 2010
32155/80000 Words 2 January 2010
33106/80000 Words 3 January 2010
33731/80000 Words 3 January 2010 Rewrote Chapter 21
33106/80000 Words 4 January 2010
33388/80000 Words 5 January 2010
33106/80000 Words 6 January 2010 Lost Words
34229/80000 Words 43% Done 6 January 2010 Rewrote Chapter 21
33106/80000 Words 7 January 2010 Lost Words
35423/80000 Words 44% Done 7 January 2010 Rewrote Chapter 21

Sure hope I got it saved correctly tonight!

Best to you all!

Jano Words

35423 / 80000 words. 44% done!
Here is your Word Count Progress Meter Code

Copy and Paste this code where you want your word-count meter to appear on your web page or blog.

35423 / 80000 words. 44% done!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Jano Words

34229 / 80000 words. 43% done!
Here is your Word Count Progress Meter Code

Copy and Paste this code where you want your word-count meter to appear on your web page or blog.

34229 / 80000 words. 43% done!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Jano Words

a href="http://www.languageisavirus.com/nanowrimo/word-meter.html" target="_blank" title="NaNoWriMo writing toys games & gadgets">

30000 / 80000 words. 38% done
a href="
" target="_blank" title="NaNoWriMo writing toys games & gadgets">

30000 / 80000 words. 38% donea href="http://www.languageisavirus.com/nanowrimo/word-meter.html" target="_blank" title="NaNoWriMo writing toys games & gadgets">

30000 / 80000 words. 38% donea href="http://www.languageisavirus.com/nanowrimo/word-meter.html" target="_blank" title="NaNoWriMo writing toys games & gadgets">

30000 / 80000 words. 38% donea href="http://www.languageisavirus.com/nanowrimo/word-meter.html" target="_blank" title="NaNoWriMo writing toys games & gadgets">

30000 / 80000 words. 38% doneV

About Me

My photo
My son,Ken,recently retired after 20 years service in the U.S. Navy. I am very proud of him. Good Friends are a Blessing. Red Hats for Jesus is a fun group, so glad to have this fellowship. The Wednesday Breakfast Club(JEWELS)brought me many wonderful friends. Each one is Special. The Weekly Writers Guild is a very important part of my life. I am the leader, since Nicholas, had to give it up to work more hours. Thanks for passing the torch to me. Emma, Elsie, Claudette, Judy, Betty Jo, I enjoy writing  with you. New interest for us has been gained from joining with other writers at their meetings. Hope to gain lots of new friends there.