Happy Fall
30 October 2009
Today I still have six beautiful pink,QUEEN ELIZABETH Roses, one Red, MR.LINCOLN Rose and one Amethyst color Rose, not sure of the name of it.Friends and I have been busy, having a good time. Curves for exercise. Then out to lunch, grocery store, Wal-Mart, Library,Writing Groups and home again. Thank you God for Home Again!
This Wednesday the 4Th of November will be THE QUILL AND INK CLUB meeting. Speaker will be Reta Stewart Allen. Looking forward to it. Our Breakfast Club will meet that morning at Shelia's South Town Grill.
THE WEEKLY WRITERS GUILD will meet as usual.
Red Hat's meeting this month, 19 November 2009, is at Lola's in Nixa. Our Red Hat, Queen Mum, Char got a Joyful Blessed report from her Doctor. ALL CLEAR OF CANCER AGAIN! Those last treatments worked, again, With God's Healing. She always gives Jesus the credit for her healings.
November is National Novel Writing Month, I signed up at the above link to write 50,000 Words in a month. Several of our fellow Ozarks Romance Authors and Sleuth's Ink members are doing it. Good Wishes everyone. Green Lantern Begins the First!
I am still fascinated with the standing broom. Today I could still stand the broom in the grocery store isle. The effect is not lasting as long as it did when I first heard about it, 18 October 2009. A long married couple came by just after I stood it up and he looked at her and said, "If it will stand by itself,maybe you could ride it." She looked at him like he had said things like that, before today!
I let Emily Bryan know that I had seen her new book, THE CHRISTMAS BALL, here,Marshfield, at the Summerfresh Store and at Wal-Mart. She said, that getting into the grocery stores was really good and sometimes hard to do.
C.L. Wilson has been having fun contests and things to do at her site, to promote her new book that came out Tuesday, the contests continue through this week. This would be good to go over to her site to see neat ways to do with your own book, when you are ready.
Promoting your book was a big part of the meeting with Speaker, Barri L. Bumgarner at the Springfield Writer's Guild last week.
I have a friend, Blanche that always says, "Guess who I saw today?" Everyone asks, "who?" and she will laugh and add,"Everyone I looked at!"
I have no number for the times I said, "Who?" But it was many.
SMILE at everyone.
I really goofed with this. It was supposed to go here, but ended up on the Sleuth's Ink Blog and I apologize for that error. I was not able to go back in and fix it. Thanks, Shirley and Beth for the kind words and help.
Posted by Janet Kay Gallagher at 3:59 PM 0 comments Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Confessions of a Retired Police Officer
2 days ago